NOMAD Creatives Menu
It wasn’t long ago that March Break came and went. If anything, many of us have faint memories of what semester 2 has been like. With the isolation measures we as a society have chosen, our academic lives have slowed down drastically. But despite these challenges, many classes proceeded forward with emergency distance learning processes.
We decided to move forward ourselves because we believe that art will get us through this adversity. More importantly, our collective creativity will unite us once more.
For our first project of the semester, our class explored the concept of time and it’s role in photography. With a focus on shutter speed and light sensitivity, the class explored light painting through the use of bulb exposure and creative colour processing through hue and saturation control in Affinity Photo.
Press the Pause button on the upper-right and use the left and right arrow to navigate the slideshow.
For our next project, each student were asked to respond to 5 photographic themes as it pertains to our current social distancing measures. This is their visual reflection. Please click on the image thumbnail to view the larger version.
Back in the film processing days, there were many different types of colour film stocks. Along with that variety, comes the many processes that came with developing their negatives and prints! Cross-Process happens when the development process for each film stock is switched with another (like slide to colour film and vice-versa). Though the resulting images eschewed the colours towards the blues and greens, many digital artists have favoured this type of tinting as a style in digital photography. Here’s our class gallery for this assignment. Please click on the image thumbnail to view the larger version.
Inspired by the still life photographs of Edward Weston and the Daguerrotypes of old, this CPT combines composition with digital manipulation using either the PIXLR or Affinity Photo App. Please click on the image thumbnail to view the larger version.
Our personal appearance, many will agree, is only a small portion of who we really are. As beauty can only be skin deep, there is much more to our persona than meets the eye. In this project, Each student explored their subject matter through portraiture. Not limiting the project to mere likeness, each student also drew a symbol that best represents their subject of choice. Drawn on 2 separate surfaces, the portrait (top image) was drawn on a sheet of mylar while the symbols were drawn on a sheet of archival paper.
Click on each image to enter the light-box mode. Press left and right arrows to navigate in light-box mode.
Using the works of Caravaggio and inspired by the darkness of Francisco Goya’s Black Paintings, our Gr. 11 Visual Arts students explored a number of themes such as Hope + Despair, Being Alone, Separation and Isolation, Hope or Recovery. This is their final expression of the school year.
For this project, our class were tasked create their own Cubism inspired, Photo-Cubist collage using the theme of “People, Places & Things”. This project is also created with quarantine in mind. With obvious limitations of going outside, our class really had to be creative in choosing their subject matter.
Click on each image to enter the light-box mode. Press left and right arrows to navigate in light-box mode.
According to Sigmund Freud, our dreams are windows to our subconscious. Inspired by his work, along with the work of the Surrealists, our Gr. 11 Media Arts students kept track of their dreams in a 2-week period. For some dream recall can be a challenge so to meet the creative challenge, they used either PIXLR or Affinity Photo to re-create the dreams and fears for the their final work of this unique semester. Please click on the thumbnail for a bigger version of the artwork.